During the past two weeks on Jack & Juice Fashion Bar, we have focused on the topic of Finding Your Own Personal Style. In the first post of the series, we learned how we can look to others' style for inspiration and last week we talked about assessing our current wardrobes to figure out what's working, what's not working and to clear out the clutter. Today, I just want to take a moment to share some very important words with you, "To thine own self be true."
You might be wondering why I'm quoting Shakespeare on a fashion blog, but it will all make sense in a minute...trust me. By now, if you have been taking the steps to define your style, you have opened your eyes (and closets) to a whole new world. You have purchased some items that you wouldn't have normally purchased, you have taken some styling risks and you have gotten rid of some items you have been comfortable wearing for a very long time but were doing nothing for you. Some parts of this exercise may have been fun and some parts may have been very uncomfortable. While there is nothing wrong with a little discomfort every now and then, the purpose of this exercise was not to transform you into something or someone you are not. You must stay in your comfort zone.
Unfortunately, we are all not Beyoncé. We don't all feel comfortable strutting around it stilletos on a daily basis. And I'm not referring to comfortable as in being free of pain, I mean it just isn't you. And that's perfectly fine. If you feel your best in a pair of flats, rock those flats the best way you know how. And If showing too much leg makes you feel uncomfortable, then strut along in your maxi dress like nobody's business. We are all individuals with different tastes and preferences, so if it makes you feel good, wear it! While I would still encourage you to be mindful of your purchases and to challenge yourself by making some changes here and there, I must stress the importance of being yourself. Besides, if you're wearing clothing that you don't totally love and feel great in, it will show. It will be like you're screaming to the world, "Hey y'all! This outfit is so totally not me but I'm trying to play if off because this is what's supposed to be hot". And we don't want that! So, be creative, have fun, push some limits, make some heads turn, but most importantly, "To thine own self be true."
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