Monday, April 21, 2014

Finding Your Own Personal Style: Look for Inspiration

If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times..."I don't know what my personal style is" or "I don't know how to be stylish.  I just wear what's comfortable." Finding one's unique fashion style can be a daunting task for a lot of women.  Many women find themselves in a fashion rut, wearing the same type of clothing that they've been accustomed to wearing for years.  Other women find themselves following the trends and feel like they are constantly trying to keep up with what's hot and what's new at the time.  We're here to let you know that finding your own personal style can be easier than you think.  We will be doing a "Finding Your Own Personal Style" series.  Each Monday, over the next few weeks, we will focus on one way to cultivate "your look".  Today, we dive into the journey by discussing how we can look to others to help us find our style.

Have you ever looked at another woman, whether it be a celebrity, model or past fashion icon and think, "I just love her style.  I wish I could be so creative in dressing myself"?  If you answered "yes" to that question, you are not alone.  Instead of looking to these style icons with feelings of frustration, look to them with feelings of inspiration and hope.  One of the easiest ways to find your own personal style is to look for inspiration in others whom you find to be stylish.  Don't think of it as being a copycat.  The goal is not to duplicate what someone else is doing, but rather identify the elements of their style that you admire and play on those elements to create your own look. 
The internet and fashion magazines will be your best friend when starting this process.  Most of us already have that person in mind whose style we just absolutely love.  You know...that one celebrity who is always on point and can do no wrong?  Let's start with her.  Look for images of her on Google and the popular fashion magazines.  Identify what it is about her style that draws you in.  Is it the fact that she is fearless with her fashion and loves to experiment with bold colors and patterns?  Or maybe it's the subdued, muted tones and flowing fabrics that get you going.   Cut out the images that you love and create a small vision board.  On that board, write down the key elements of her style.  This board, which doesn't have to be sophisticated at all, will serve as your focus tool.  The next time you go shopping, instead of grabbing the items you would normally gravitate toward, look for the items that possess the qualities that you identified on your vision board.  It may be a scary task at first, but an  interesting and fun one, nevertheless. 
There's no need to go full fledged into your new look.  Take baby steps until you became more comfortable.  Start with choosing the accessories that encompass the look you are going for...scarves, bags, shoes, jewelry.  Once you become more comfortable in this new zone, then you can go for the bigger items...dresses, pants, blouses, skirts.  Before you know it, you will become an expert in choosing items that best showcase your new style and you will become more creative in how to put the items together.  If you ever find yourself losing focus, go back to your vision board for a refresher course.  So ladies, let's take the first step in style exploration.  Are you ready?  Okay, let's go!
   (Photo courtesy of

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