Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Morning Juice: DIY (Do It Yourself)

Good Morning, Jewels!  
Have you ever found yourself wishing you could find that perfect skirt that hugs your curves just the way you like, because the ones in the stores just don't cut it?  Or what about that perfect handbag to match the your favorite printed pants but you can't find anything that comes close to what you envision?  If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, you are not alone.  Sometimes the stores don't have what we are looking for.  So, the question is, "What do you do about it?".  Well, we are going to offer some pretty unconventional advice...DO IT YOURSELF!  I know, I know, the thought of making your own clothes and accessories may seem like a crazy idea, but hear me out.  What better way to express your unique, individual style than designing and creating your own pieces?  By doing it yourself, you become a triple threat...the DESIGNER, the SEAMSTRESS and the MODEL.  

Inspired by some of our favorite DIYers that we follow on Facebook and Instagram and some very talented seamstresses in our family, we decided to take sewing classes.  Mood Fabrics, in Los Angeles, offers free sewing classes for novices.  We recently completed the beginner class.  The end products of the class are the tote bags you see above (my bag is on the left and Tyra's is on the right).  Although, we had to follow a specific, standard pattern provided to us by the instructor, we were able to pick our own fabrics for the self (outside), interlining and lining.  And although, our patience was tested on a few occasions during the process, the class was an amazing experience and we both learned so much about the craft and ourselves.  

Our first day of the intermediate class was last week.  I entered the class feeling very anxious.  Would I actually be ready for the next level?  I mean, all I had ever made was a simple tote.   As each student made her introduction to the class, I soon realized that I was not alone in feeling much trepidation about what was to come.  We have a few options as to what we can make this time around.  We'll hold off on telling you what we have decided to construct.  You'll just have to tune in in 6 weeks to see the finished results.

 We are so happy we took on this challenge to learn something new.  Now, we would like to encourage you to step out there and learn how to DIY when it comes to your personal styling.  Sewing may not be "your thing"... and that's fine.  There are so many options and methods to garment construction.  Find out which one works best for you.  Go ahead...mix up your wardrobe by adding some one-of-a-kind pieces designed by YOU!  I promise, you won't regret it. Good luck!!!

(You can find more information on all of the classes offered at Mood Fabrics by visiting their website at  Click on the CLASSES link at the top)


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